2-day lottery frame – The Easiest Way to Win the Lottery

2-day lottery frame

The 2-day lottery frame is one of the effective methods of playing the lottery, especially in Vietnam. This method will help you increase your chances of winning. To learn about the advantages as well as some notes when raising the lottery, see the article below by Jilipark.

Concept of a 2-day lottery frame

The 2-day lottery frame strategy is a method of choosing a single number and keeping it for two consecutive days. The goal of this strategy is for the number you choose to appear within two days. If that number does not appear on the first day, you will continue to bet on the next day.

Advantages of raising single-number lottery frames for 2 days

Compared with other methods, this method clearly brings advantages such as:

  • Increase your chances of winning. Compared to just one day, this way the player has more chances to win, reducing the pressure of not winning the lottery on the first day.
  • Capital management is easier. Only raising for 2 days so the capital outlay is not high. Moreover, instead of putting all the money in one day, players can divide it equally to minimize risk.
Advantages of raising single-number lottery frames for 2 days
Advantages of raising single-number lottery frames for 2 days

4 detailed ways to catch the lottery number for 2 days

Basically, to catch this number and play it continuously for 2 days, you should learn the following method:

Observe and catch the missing number

Normally, the dry batch has a cycle of about 14 to 15 days. However, there are still some with a cycle longer than 30 days. With this type, it is harder to have signs. Therefore, if you have a statistical table and filter out a series of short-cycle dry batches and then discover that when a dry batch has not appeared for 13 days, you should raise it for the next 2 days.

But also need to note issues such as:

  • Monitor and check the history of the next missing numbers to see if they exceed the normal limit. If they exceed the limit, it changes to a long cycle.
  • In the case of applying other prediction methods, the filtering probability will be higher, meaning it can appear consecutively in the following days.

Raising the 2-day lottery frame with the head 0 and the end 0

The strategy of raising the first 0 and last 0 numbers in a 2-day frame requires players to have detailed statistics of the lottery results table for about a week. When the number 0 appears in the middle of the numbers, that is a sign to pay attention to. This could be a prediction that the first 0 or last 0 will appear.

For example: If the special prize is 20037, there is a high probability that the next day’s lottery will have the first or last number 0. The first numbers 0 can be: 01, 03 to 09. The last numbers 0 can be: 10, 20, 40, 30, … and finally 90.

Predict lottery numbers by day of the week

The method of predicting and raising the best lottery numbers according to the day of the week is currently very popular because of its high efficiency. Here is how to apply this method:

  • Monday: Use the results of the 6.3 prize to predict and then find the winning number within the next 2 days.
  • Tuesday: The result of prize 7.3 is used to catch the winning number to raise for 2 days.
  • Similarly, on Wednesday, the 5.2 prize will be taken, on Thursday, the 5.4 prize will be taken. Next, the 5.5 prize will be on Friday and the 6.4 prize will be on Saturday.

Raising the 2-day lottery frame according to the diamond lottery bridge

With this method, players are required to follow the results of the 3rd prize, when pairs of numbers in the form AB – BA appear in the four corners. You can immediately choose that pair of numbers to play for the next 2 days.

For example: On September 10, 2024, the Northern lottery results have the following series of numbers:

  • 35761
  • 6152 7193
  • 6351

From here, you can see that there are 4 corners 3-6-3 and the result is 6. This is a sign that you should choose pairs of numbers like 36 – 63 to raise the lottery frame for 2 days.

Note when you raise the 2-day lottery frame

Note when you raise the 2-day lottery frame
Note when you raise the 2-day lottery frame

When raising the 2-day lottery frame, there are some important things that you need to keep in mind to maximize your chances of winning and minimize risks:

  • Choose numbers carefully. Choosing the best lottery numbers to play should be based on a careful analysis of previous lottery results. Priority should be given to numbers with short cycles that are likely to appear within 2 days. Or use statistical methods to determine the most likely numbers. 
  • Reasonable capital management. Betting should be carefully calculated, avoid placing too much money on the first day to minimize risks. In addition, you should use a reasonable money ratio such as 1:2 or 1:3 to be able to make a profit while still ensuring capital safety.
  • Be patient and do not change in the middle. Once you have decided to raise the lottery number in the 2-day frame, stick with your decision. Changing the number in the middle can reduce efficiency and waste effort. In case the lottery has not appeared on the first day, you need to stay calm and continue with the original plan instead of giving up or changing the number.

How to put money into the lottery when raising a 2-day lottery frame to make a profit

To achieve the highest profit when raising the lottery for 2 days, players need to follow the betting rate that the experts have passed down. Below are the specific methods:

Apply at a ratio of 1:2

This method is suitable for players with limited capital and do not want to wait too long. Specifically as follows:

  • Day 1: Bet 10 points, equivalent to 230 Pesos (10 points x 23 Pesos/point). If you win 1 time, you will profit 570 Pesos.
  • Day 2: Continue to place 20 points, equivalent to 460 Pesos. The total investment after 2 days is 690 Pesos. If you win 1 bet, you will make a profit of 1,140 Pesos, and if you win 2 bets, the profit will be 2,510 Pesos.

Select 1:3 ratio

The 1:3 ratio is suitable for those with larger capital. This method can bring larger rewards than the 1:2 ratio:

  • Day 1: Bet 10 points with 230 Pesos. If you win 1 time, you will profit 340 Pesos.
  • Day 2: Continue to place 30 points, equivalent to 690 Pesos. The total investment after 2 days is 920 Pesos. If you win 1 bet, the profit will be 560 Pesos, and if you win 2 bets, you will earn 920 Pesos.

When choosing a ratio of 1:3, you need at least 3000 Pesos in capital to effectively raise the 2-day lottery frame. This helps you avoid giving up halfway, and wasting the effort you have put in.


The 2-day lottery frame is one of the simple but effective ways of playing that many players prefer. Although there is no guarantee that you will win 100%, with patience, careful calculation, and good capital management, you can increase your chances of winning when applying this strategy at Jilipark.